Benbecula Freedive and Fitness! Snorkelling, Fitness, Massage & Entrepreneurial Ventures
Adventure Snorkelling / Freediving!
Hi there,
if you're looking for some really good fun and excitement whilst here on the Isle of Benbecula, then why not contact me and come for a snorkel / freedive!
I offer equipment hire with 'company' in the water plus 'informal instruction' if you'd like some. (snorkel clearing whilst 1 metre below!)
Snorkelling is an excellent activity, it's quick and super easy to get the hang of, and a real thrill - if that's what you're looking for!
The water around here is crystal clear and teaming with underwater life, with the west and east coast just a short drive apart and with numerous lochs, it's always possible to find a stunning location with calm water. Or if you prefer some swell then we can carefully choose an alternative spot where you'll be in for a choppy turbulent ride.
Squeezing into a wetsuit with an additional hood, socks, boots and gloves will ensure you're nice and warm and also protected from jellyfish if these were ever of any concern to yourself.
I will endeavour to provide you with the very tightest, snuggest suit or suits I have for your individual needs, be it a 6 or 7mm arctic or a clever combination of both a 3mm and a 5mm, this, as your new personal 'head to toe' flexible and sleek rubber skin will allow you to fin through the water with absolute ease - drag free, smoothly slipping through the water with little resistance. This, now, your - warm and cosy new skin will allow you to really sense the moving environment around you, to feel the presence of the kelp as your body brushes past or even through its envelopment. I snorkel / freedive all year around in cold wind and stormy rain wearing just wetsuits and would not dream of wearing a loose cumbersome dry suit to perform this wonderful awesome activity. Freediving is more than just a visual tour, it's a full-on experience for your body and your mind, relaxation, trepidation, excitement, and exertion all mixed in to give you the best natural high!
I have a great 'Dive Bus' which I use as a base to do this activity from, it has plenty of space and head height inside providing the perfect location to get changed in and enjoy a warming cup of tea / coffee. It's also a storage facility when needed for my large selection of wetsuits, masks, snorkels and jet fins etc... I also have quickly adjustable weight belts which can be used to offset the buoyancy of your wetsuit and dive knives for use at applicable locations. The bus is very nice inside, with comfy waterproof seating, lots of pictures and charts plus a powerful stereo, to get us in the mood if the sky is looking a little cloudy!
I've got my huge range of wetsuits stored in my heated office at 41 Airport Rd, you can contact me to come along for a sizing session to find the perfect fit.
You can then on the same day or a later date book for a snorkel / freedive!
Pricing for my 'hire with company' service is as follows:
£125 each person for 2 or more people,
£160 for 1 individual person.
Nb - This is a real 'full on' activity and you will not be disappointed, I tend to cater more for adults, those who are under 16 must be in the water with another responsible nominee.
The 'wet' activity lasts from 2 - 4 hours, this time period includes time for donning and doffing kit plus the actual time in the water! But if you include meeting and greeting / travel to and from dive site etc.. we're talking 7 hours!!!
Discounts to those people that would like to 'form a larger group of 5 or more' or for my 'regular users'.
Terms and Conditions:
If using my services for 'snorkelling / freediving / outdoor swimming' then you are paying for 'equipment hire' and 'company' in the water only.
You can have some 'informal' instruction at your request, but you take part in this activity at your own risk and will be required to sign a 'disclaimer' prior to joining me in the water!
Your welcome to grab a 'free lift' with me in my van if I'm going to the location / 'point of equipment hire'.