Benbecula Freedive and Fitness! Snorkelling, Fitness, Massage & Entrepreneurial Ventures
Vacbed Sensory Meditation Therapy - Holistic Health for Body and Mind

Why choose an hour of Vacbed Sensory Meditation Therapy?
If you are thinking about booking an hour of 'Vacbed Sensory Meditation Therapy' then you should ideally already have a prior knowledge of bespoke 'Holistic Vacbeds' and understand that this is a fairly substantial mindfulness experience to engage in.
However for those that do choose to delve into this niche and very particular form of relaxation, then an incredible and profound experience awaits you. You will experience an increase in physical and mental well-being feeling more happy and relaxed, with fewer aches and pains. Clients often report that afterwards, they experience a better night's sleep.
Vacbed meditation can help us gain a better perspective on things with the mind reaching a deep alpha state of thought processing.
The benefits of Vacbed Sensory Meditation (VSM)
The deep state of relaxation that VSM produces is substantial, lasting long after your session has ended.
Sleep and Insomnia
VSM deactivates some of the systems that can keep us awake at night, and levels of melatonin increase, and this, in turn, can produce a longer and more refreshing sleep.
Meditation and Mindfulness
VSM increases focus, you will tune in to your own thoughts making it easier to reach a meditative state both in the vacbed and elsewhere. Reducing negative emotions and focusing on the present. Resting heart rate and blood pressure reduce when you are able to relax and find time for yourself.
Consciousness Exploration
With sight and sound removed, synapses can fire and connect thought patterns more easily leading to conducive and effective processing of information. VSM can help us gain a different perspective, explore our minds, enhance creativity, and even lead to 'Eureka' moments.
General Wellbeing - Do something that feels truly AMAZING!
VSM can lead to an increase in endorphins and improve people's sense of well-being and overall happiness. It is the absolute ultimate and complete multi-purpose treatment - reaching all areas of a person's physique. Therapy for the body and the mind. The 0.33mm thin gossamer of the vacbed will activate every inch of your physique and make you feel alive like never before. During use and afterward, for a period of time, your muscles will feel firm, toned, and uplifted as the bed pulls, tugs, squeezes and joyfully lifts you in all directions in a definite and committed but relaxing manner.
Physical Therapy and Pain - A Holistic Approach
VSM can through its channeling of positive and proactive energy help the body heal from exercise and injury, and decrease the perception of pain. The mind is taken elsewhere which can initiate and kickstart the natural mechanisms from within. The complete and overall compression, even substantial on fingers, wrists, toes and ankles from the bed can stimulate the lymphatic system and aid in dispersing lymph and also reduce water retention and inflammation. Blood vessels relax and dilate increasing vasodilation which can lead to a reduction of tension within the joints and progress to a state of rejuvenation.
Stress and Anxiety Relief
VSM activates our resting and healing state and reduces anxiety and stress. The totality of the all-over complete and firm body-hug that the vacbed produces can help to reduce levels of cortisol stress hormone and instead increase levels of serotonin which is our happy hormone. These effects can last for days after your treatment session.
Connection with Self
In a disconnected and demanding world, people use VSM to reconnect with themselves. By foregoing the ability of movement and meditating in a restrained and somewhat silent entrancement the mind is forced to focus and the body has no option but to relax. The knowledge that this treatment therapy lasts a complete hour (longer by request) aids with connecting our thoughts through the disconnection of those senses that we take as readily available throughout our normal busy and for some - somewhat stressful lives.

Get in touch!
If you'd like to book an hour of Vacbed Sensory Meditation Therapy and feel this could have a positive effect on your well-being then please note that you must be happy with the nature of vacbeds and the degree of restraint that they produce. Also please note that it will be necessary to wear ear protection (plugs) and a provided protection hood when within the vacbed, although it is silent after the initial activation phase.
Although your actual time within the Vacbed is a nominal 1 hour, the whole experience is close to 3 hours with the inclusion of meeting and greeting / setup, and pre and post-discussion about the session and what you hope to achieve from VSM. You are very welcome to bring along your partner or a friend. Italian coffee / tea and homemade Victoria sponge is also included. This is a unique, bespoke, and niche form of relaxation that you are encouraged to discuss and quander about.
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If you're wondering how it is that a Massage Therapist could even consider offering VSM, then please click here: click!!
I look forward to hearing from you, thanks Tom.